Newsletters – visit the parent zone to read our latest newsletters.
Some key documents for School at Home – parent guide of features for Google classroom /key information for parents about School at Home
Phonics and Early Reading Workshop Presentation – Phonics and Early Reading Parent Workshop
Parent Reading Prompts / Help Your Child With Reading Poster / Useful phonics websites and apps
New Starters' Welcome Meeting Powerpoint / School Nurse New parents presentation
We post updates, information and videos on our Facebook page. Remember to look out for regular updates on our learning in school!
Cheselbourne Village School has signed up to easyfundraising! Please remember to see if you can help us raise money whilst shopping online. Read more details about how you can help us or for more information take a look at our easyfundraising introduction presentation. Thank you for your support.
Remember that children are required to enter school in PE kits on a Friday, with uniform in a a names bag. Children will get changed into uniform after PE and leave the kit at school over the weekend ready for more PE on Monday.
Please see CVS Breakfast and AS Club for more information.
Cheselbourne Village School is a first school for children aged 4 to 9 years old, with a pre-school provision called Caterpillars Preschool for children aged from 2 years 9 months to school age. We also hold a weekly parent & toddler group for younger children and their grown ups called Scarecrows on Tuesday mornings in the village hall.
During their time at Cheselbourne Village School all children will:
Have fun in their learning and play.
Know how to respect everyone.
Learn to be kind and share.
Develop great vocabulary, number and computing skills.
Learn how to look after our world.
When children leave Cheselbourne Village School they will have an amazing future because of everything they have learnt here.
Our aims and values were developed by our school student voice and underpin all that we do here at Cheselbourne Village School.
At Cheselbourne Village School our primary aim is to create a happy and safe environment in which every child can grow intellectually, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Children are encouraged to become independent, confident, thoughtful and caring individuals. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum to enable every child the opportunity to develop their abilities so that they can reach their full potential. We also ensure the environment is stimulating and challenging. We expect high standards in both work and behaviour and we want children to enjoy their learning and to approach everything with enthusiasm. Each child has uniquely different characteristics and abilities. This supports why we are proud to be a small school.
Whilst at Cheselbourne we believe that all children will:
Develop lively enquiring minds with an enthusiasm for learning.
Acquire knowledge, attitudes and skills relevant to their future.
Understand the world in which they live, our interdependence on others and on our environment.
Use language and numbers effectively in a variety of ways and situations.
Develop a respect and tolerance for the diversity of all people.
Develop a respect and tolerance for other people’s views and different races and religions.
Develop the ability to question and to apply themselves to set tasks.
Actively participate in the life of the school, the village and the local community.
When children leave our school we sincerely hope that they are able to approach the next phase of their education with confidence and with an enthusiasm to pursue a lifetime love of learning.
We are very lucky to have such fantastic parents supporting our school and we like to encourage you to become our partners in your child's education. Your involvement both in our school & in your children's journey through it is integral to helping your child develop a lifetime passion for learning.
We have an 'open door' approach to education and we hope you feel welcome to visit us. Your child's teacher is always glad to discuss points about your child's education and welfare with you.
SEND (Special Education Needs)
Our school SENDCO is Mrs Collett. She can be contacted by emailing SENDCO@cheselbourne.dorset.sch.uk
Dorset SENDIASS is a statutory service offering free, confidential, accurate and impartial advice and support to families living in Dorset:
- children and young people aged 0 to 25 with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
- parents and carers of children and young people with SEND
- We can also advise staff working with SEND pupils on matters of legislation.