Curriculum Values, Overview & SEND


Cheselbourne Village School’s Curriculum Intention

Our primary aim is to ensure that our curriculum, across the whole school, ignites children’s curiosity and inspires them to want to acquire and develop new knowledge and skills built up over their time as they progress through our school.

We involve our children in the design of the curriculum which helps us to actively engage the children in their own learning; challenging them to become independent, well-round individuals who take ownership of their learning and become deep thinkers. We also want our children to be able to apply their knowledge and skill set in a range of contexts within school and real life.

We follow the National Curriculum which is the statutory requirement for learning for all pupils and focuses on ensuring that pupils develop essential knowledge and skills in all subject areas and promotes preparation for, and an appreciation of life in Modern Britain.  Through following the aims set out in the National Curriculum, we aim to foster pupil creativity and develop spiritual, moral, social and cultural skills and attitudes to learning and life.  The National Curriculum at Key Stage One (Years 1 and 2) and Key Stage Two (Years 3-6, to year 4 at CVS) builds on the skills experienced and learned in the Early Years Foundation Stage (Pre-School/Nursery and Reception).

At Cheselbourne Village School and Pre-School we ensure that there is breadth and balance within the school’s curriculum and plan to link learning in different subjects where we feel that relevant and meaningful links can be made.  We intend to make links that enhance and give context to topic learning which in turn help embed and consolidate a solid understanding of all knowledge and skills taught.  This approach is supported through having opportunity to plan together as a staff team, through regular monitoring and evaluation and through working in partnership with other schools to share expertise and validate our curriculum delivery and assessment.  Being a very small rural school with mixed-age classes requires us to be creative in our approach to learning, ensuring progression between year groups in one class  and striving to give children opportunities that are in line with their peers in larger, more urban schools.


Our intention and methods for how we implement our curriculum are underpinned by our belief in:

– developing a positive engagement with outdoor learning 

– promoting of our three School Values alongside British Values

– developing our sense of belonging, independence and resilience to the challenges of learning

– ensuring a strong foundation to a child’s learning journey during their time in the EYFS phase


To support our learners in mixed-age classes we manage our curriculum using a cycle that is reviewed annually to ensure progression of skills across each year group whilst learning a variety of different topics across the two-years.

CVS Curriculum Overview Cycle B (2023-24)

CVS Curriculum Overview Cycle A (2022-23)


EYFS Curriculum Overview Cycle B (2023-24)

EYFS Curriculum Overview Cycle A (2022-23)


For more information about our curriculum and how we teach different across the school please see –

CVS Prospectus – 2023

 CVS Remote Education – CVS Providing Remote Education Information to Parents Jan 2021

 Forest School –

Through providing Forest School learning all children from Reception to Y4:

  • have weekly Forest School sessions,
  • gain opportunities to develop their engagement with outdoor education, 
  • access rich, practical learning opportunities, 
  • explore learning outdoors that links with our school’s curriculum plan and progression of knowledge and skills. 

We intend for our Forest School provision to impact all learners who achieve and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in a woodland or natural outdoor environment.


Equality and Inclusion
Cheselbourne Village School wants everyone within our school to feel welcome, valued and included in the school community. We are committed to providing a fully accessible environment to enable this to happen. Our pupils are provided with high quality learning opportunities so that each child achieves all that they can. We want all our pupils to feel confident and have a positive view of themselves. We want our pupils with a disability to access all elements of school life, including school clubs, activities and trips. We recognise that we may have to do things a little differently to make this happen. We are committed to taking positive action in the spirit of the Equality Act 2010, by removing disadvantage faced by pupils with a disability and eliminating discrimination. We will ensure that through whole school training, all staff and governors will be aware of our duties to support children with disabilities, in line with the Equality Act 2010.


Special Education Needs and Disabilities – (SEND)

We aim to offer all children the highest level of education but acknowledge that some children need more support. Children with SEND (Special Educational Needs Disabilities) are well supported according to the DfE’s Code of Practice with input from teachers, the SENDCO (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Coordinator) and external agency consultants. When teachers are concerned in any way, parents are consulted and invited to speak with the class teacher and the SENDCO Leader. The support offered is outlined on the schools Provision Map (for more low level needs) or an ILP (Individual Learning Plan). This is regularly reviewed by staff, parents and the child.

The school SENDCO is: Mrs Emma Collett.

SEND Policies:

We follow the SEND Code of Practice in how we support our children with SEND. Please see our SEND Information Report Cheselbourne – Autumn 2023 for further details on our SEND provision.

Please see Policy section for our SEND POLICY.


These documents should be read in conjunction with the below:

Local Offer CVS and the Dorset Council Local Offer